Dr. J. I. Packer: Thoughts for New and Old Christians

At last night’s service in Bath with Dr. J. I. Packer we were treated to a quick question and answer time before the main message (which incidentally was taken from Luke 1:67-80 entitled, “Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment.”) From this Q & A session I want to highlight three questions and their answers that I found particularly insightful and helpful. 1. …

Dr. J. I. Packer Comes to Bath

When stopping through my local Christian book store yesterday I came across a leaflet promoting a talk next week from Dr. J. I. Packer. Naturally, I was very excited. Now, Dr. Packer has been made known to me chiefly through so many book endorsements. Along with this, he was also the general editor for the English Standard Bible (ESV), of …

ESV Study Bible

It was a long time ago that I heard that Crossway would be putting out a new Study Bible. The pre-publishing buzz really got me quiet excited. The Bible came out and I thought, “OK, I don’t really need it, I can wait until Christmas.” Christmas came and went and alas, no big hunking book in my stocking. Then came …

The Septuagint

“In what language were the Scriptures written at the time of Jesus?” This question came up in the DTS recently, during the Apologetics class, and we looked at the answer last week. During the intertestamental period (400BC to 0AD) the Jewish Scriptures were translated from Hebrew into Greek, and we call this translation the ‘Septuagint’ (from the latin word for …