I am concerned that we are not prepared for such fights. I concerned that, in fact, we foster an over-protective intellectual environment that doesn’t prepare people for the bumps and knocks of honest exploration of reality. People who are unprepared for a rocky intellectual journey – people who are taught only to expect ease and triumph – will experience those …
Reflections on Singleness
Nothing in my life and faith has been more confusing and spiritually hazardous than my pursuit of marriage. From far too young, I longed for the affection, safety, and intimacy I anticipated with a wife. Sadly, my immature and unhealthy desires predictably did much more harm than good. I started dating too early. I stayed in relationships too long. I …
Belief in God: It’s Just Wishful Thinking
“You only believe in God because you want someone to be there. You want your life to have meaning and purpose, you want the comfort of knowing someone is in control of it all. In short, your faith is simply a psychological crutch.” Have you come across some form of this argument? This common objection against faith in God seeks …
Can You Put Your Camera Down?
In our amazing era of digital immediacy, I can tell the world where I am and what I’m doing while I’m doing it. I can present myself as a busy man living a rich and full life. I can take pictures of my meals, log my locations, snap photos of the people I’m with, and weigh in on what’s happening …
Trusting the Bible Without the Original Autographs
Read Michael Kruger’s response to Bart Ehrman on the Gospel Coalition blog Michael J. Kruger on The Gospel Coalition has posted a response to a challenge presented by Bart Ehrman. The challenge is this: because we don’t have the physical, first copies of the books of the Bible, we can’t trust what the Bible says. Erhman states, What good …
Guilt: God’s Gift To Us
Read the whole article on the Latimer Minster website. Psalm 32 (vv. 1-6) 1. Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. 2. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.3. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. 4. For day and night your …
It’s All About Winning
Read the full article on the Demolition Squad blog. There was something very satisfactory about watching the Lions blow away the Barbarians in Hong Kong this afternoon. It was an encouraging start to the forthcoming tour of Australia and I think it has provoked a few headaches both for the Lions selectors as well as Aussie defence coaches. The victory has settled …
Our Strength and Our Shield: Psalm 28
Psalm 28 1. To you, Lord, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit. 2. Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place. 3. Do not drag me …
The King of Glory: Psalm 24
Sojourners In Our Own Land 1. The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; 2. for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Have you ever felt like you just don’t fit in to a place? As children of God our true home is not in this world. But …
Before The Throne of God Above
As part of our daily devotional series at Latimer Minster we’re exploring a ‘Hymn of the Week’. This week I had the opportunity to reflect on one of my favourite hymns, The Advocate (Before The Throne of God Above) by Charitie Lees Smith. I love declarative hymns. Hymns that sing of the wonderful attributes of God, which I can enthusiastically endorse …