30 Years Ago Today

30 years ago today Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of Great Britain. Today she continues to polarise popular opinion and even if you were too young to remember much of her time in office (as I was) you more than likely still have some strong ideas about her. For my part I see her as a courageous women who operated …

Leaving America

I’ve spent most of the last five years living in the United States. Yes, I travelled from there  – some times for large chunks of time – but I had always thought that ‘going home’ required me to place my index finger on the little screen and grin at the camera on the border. I no longer thought of England …

New YWAM Maui Website

In my last few days working with YWAM Maui I have been helping to build the new website. Today we have gone live! We think we’ve done a good job, so come take a look and find out more about YWAM Maui and what we do.

MEP Daniel Hannan on Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Speaking of courage, here’s Daniel Hannan voicing his views on Prime Minister Brown during Mr. Brown’s visit to the European Parliament on 24th March. Note, this session was only two days ago, and already the YouTube video has 750,000+ views.

New Calvinism

The current edition of Time magazine has yet to published, but already responses are being formed to #3 on their list of What’s Next – New Calvinism. Mark Driscoll was quick off the mark with an immediate response which was shortly followed up by a lengthier piece. I appreciate the observation and reaction to a piece which contains both factual …

Band of Bloggers

I’ll be attending the Band of Bloggers conference in Chicago when I come into town for Entrusted With The Gospel in late April. I’m looking forward to learning some things about this blogging gig.

Freedom Hanging by a Thread

Rick Pearcey has started an open conversation on Pro-Existence where I have contributed some thoughts on the recent intervention by the British Home Secretary to deny access to Geert Wilders who was invited by the House of Lords to share his video with the peers. Articles on the subject abound and the reaction is varied. One thing that cannot be …

Islamic Penal Code

The Daily Telegraph has published an insightful article about a bill introduced in Iran, the Islamic Penal Code. This bill, which has already been passed once, turns apostasy – a crime already punishable by death under Sharia Law – into a state crime. If this bill were to be signed into law by the president then men would face the …