Seeing the big picture.
Your company needs to be represented well in the digital world to succeed. And today this means more than just having a website; a comprehensive online solution is required.
Acquire – Convert – Retain – Deploy Advocates
For a business looking to excel online it needs to understand the big picture. Through all my projects I’m constantly asking how my solutions affect the following 4 targeted stages:
1. Acquisition: Getting people to your site.
Your website exists, but to be of value it must be found – and found by the people that you’re targeting. Social media campaigns and search engine optimisation help to get your site in front of valuable visitors.
2. Converting: Turning browsers into buyers.
You’ve channeled people to your site, now it’s time to convert. You might be selling products online, or raising awareness of a charitable cause – but whatever the goal of you site is, you need your website to deliver.
3. Retention: Keep them coming back.
Keep your clients/fans/customers/donors returning. You’ve done the hard work, now keep them on board – through personalised emails and tailored ad campaigns – and keep them in touch with you.
4. Advocates: Send out the ambassadors.
Your users should love their online experience with you, and then want to tell others, bringing new people to you. Get those most engaged with you to spread the word through social and email.