Why I Became A Communications Consultant

In 2004 I moved overseas for the first time. This move was the prompt that got me thinking about communications. Should I be blogging my experiences? How do I stay in touch with friends and colleagues back home? Facebook was still in a dorm room, and Twitter was 2 years from conception. Email newsletters looked terrible and WiFi was yet to transform the cafe culture.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, links success to opportunity. Ed Catmull (co-founder of Pixar) in his book Creativity Inc. agrees. People, born at the right time, in the right place, with the right opportunities, who seize them, can create amazing things.

This is as true of the Steve Jobs’ and the George Lucas’ as it is of the every-day person. I just happened to be born, and to grow up, at the beginning of the Internet age. I’ve watched the web move through its life-cycles. I saw the dot-com bubble burst as a young student, and the rebirth followed by the rampant explosion of social media.

Through interaction with the developing technology I was able to help myself, and then others. It wasn’t long before many wanted blogs – including companies – and a social media presence. I could help. I was soon asked to offer guidance and advice as to why and how businesses should use these tools.

My first email campaign reached a few dozen people. Now they connect with thousands and thousands.

Over time I have developed a style and an ethos that the companies and organisations I work with have come to appreciate. I take time to understand the people I work with, and the people they are reaching out to. In all my communications ideas I’m constantly thinking, ‘How can I add value to someone here?’ As one of the all-time best communicators said, ‘It’s better to give than to receive.

My business interests take me across the UK, and some times around the world. It brings me great joy to help others, help others, to succeed.

If what I do sounds like something that would add value to your organisation, drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.