New Reformers Discipleship School (NeRDS)

I should say at the outset what really I aim to achieve with this blog. I’ve had blogs before, mostly to keep people updated with my life in YWAM in various parts of this world. Posts were personal and the only people who really looked at the site were friends and family.

With this blog I aim to attract a different user base. Last year the base director of YWAM Maui, Tom Osterhus, instigated the New Reformers Discipleship School (or, NeRDS) Reading Plan. This was for graduates of the School of Biblical Foundations and Missions (SBFM) and was designed as a tool to keep alive the discipline of discussion and study through a web-based distance learning plan. Tom led the school, setting the coursework and assignments etc. and a few of us become regular contributors both while we were on the island of Maui and while we elsewhere.

I benefited greatly from the insight of others and the discipline of the school (which I have to say on my behalf was poorer than it could/should have been). And here comes the reason for this blog. I thought that it would be good for me to share my thoughts and insights here for others to see and comment on and in this way exchange ideas and views with a wider group of people.

So my plan is to publish (fairly regularly) updates and points of discussion. The blog will serve as a tool of discipline for me, and will hopefully be of some insight to others. I look forward to seeing where this idea gos!