
smokegecko Thoughts has moved from Blogger to WordPress. This marks the final stage in transition. The reasons for moving it over are technical and boring, but let me say this: if you are thinking about blogging, before you start decide where you want to host your blog and why. Sure, it’s easy and quick to set up with Blogger and …

The Septuagint

“In what language were the Scriptures written at the time of Jesus?” This question came up in the DTS recently, during the Apologetics class, and we looked at the answer last week. During the intertestamental period (400BC to 0AD) the Jewish Scriptures were translated from Hebrew into Greek, and we call this translation the ‘Septuagint’ (from the latin word for …


If you’re wondering how there are nifty pop-ups on my Scripture links, then wonder no more. The guys over at Logos have created a free tool called RefTagger which recognises Scripture quotes and then displays the passage in full in your bible version of choice. RefTagger works with a variety of different platforms (I’m running Blogger in a subfolder here) …

Band of Bloggers

I’ll be attending the Band of Bloggers conference in Chicago when I come into town for Entrusted With The Gospel in late April. I’m looking forward to learning some things about this blogging gig.

New Location

I’ve moved this blog to my website. Over the next few weeks I’ll be looking to integrate the templates so that navigation is easier. I’ll still be keeping this blog for my thoughts on teachings, current affairs, theology etc. and my website will be kept up to date with my general news.

Mere Christianity: Who Is Jesus?

Last week I had the privilege of teaching in the DTS here in Maui. The topic was ‘Mere Christianity’. The week consisted of 15 hours of lecture on a variety of topics that are central to the Christian faith. At the core of it all we find Jesus. Without Jesus we have nothing, and with the wrong idea of Jesus …

Freedom Hanging by a Thread

Rick Pearcey has started an open conversation on Pro-Existence where I have contributed some thoughts on the recent intervention by the British Home Secretary to deny access to Geert Wilders who was invited by the House of Lords to share his video with the peers. Articles on the subject abound and the reaction is varied. One thing that cannot be …


For the past 5 years I have more or less been living in the United States (yes – Hawaii is in the US, and has been for over 50 years). My tastes and influences have inevitably been shaped by my location. Aside from wondering if I’ll actually survive in a part of the world that doesn’t understand the importance of …

Islamic Penal Code

The Daily Telegraph has published an insightful article about a bill introduced in Iran, the Islamic Penal Code. This bill, which has already been passed once, turns apostasy – a crime already punishable by death under Sharia Law – into a state crime. If this bill were to be signed into law by the president then men would face the …

Truth and Apologetics: DTS Recap

Over the last 3 weeks I have spent some great time with the current DTS in Maui. I’ve a had a few sessions in which we had a quick introduction to Apologetics and Truth. This post is really just a recap of some of that content with some links to further study. If you’re a student and have questions feel …